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National Certificate: New Venture Creation (Level 2) 66249

Qualification Title: Further Education & Training Certificate: Information Technology: End User Computing

SAQA ID : 66249

NQF Level: 4

Minimum credits : 162


Purpose of Qualification: This qualification will qualify learners to be competent in consistently using variety of technical, business, managerial and professional skills and strategies, in the creation and sustenance of added value in any product, process or system. The successful learner will possess the ability to apply the skills attained to explore a diverse range of entrepreneurial opportunities.


Duration: This qualification is run over 12 months.


Entry Criteria

Further Education & Training Band up to NQF level 3

Communication Level 3


Learning Outcomes

  • Demonstrate an ability to identify and create a new venture.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of interpersonal skills required in a business environment.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of basic economics within an market economy.
  • Manage a new venture by applying business principles and techniques.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the role of leadership and management.



Module 1: Literacy 1st & 2nd Language

Module 2: Mathematical Skills

Module 3: Entrepreneurial Skills

Module 4: Interpersonal Skills

Module 5: Financial and Economic Skills

Module 6: Management Skills

Module 7: Leadership Skills