Our Vision
To provide the best solutions, through quality learning experiences directly resulting in real and sustainable skills improvement & personal development, driving significantly increased employee productivity and maximising profit in organisations across the nation.
Our mission is getting people / employees out of their comfort zone to where they deserve to be. Our qualifications, skills programmes, computer skills, customised development programmes and coaching for all levels staff, including Executive Coaching/Leadership Development programmes.
Our Values
- We are committed to quality inputs to ensure we exceed Customer expectations and delive outstanding outputs
- Innovative and Creative thinking
- Continuous quality improvement and performance enhancement
- Personal Mastery
- Interdependent Teamwork
- Systems Thinking Approach
Pro-Expert Training offers hassle-free full qualifications in a simulated and controlled environment. This solution is specifically targeted to sub-sectors of the Skills Development element, which forms part of the BEE codes. This initiative enables Pro-Expert Training to target the EAP targets of our client’s requirements and recruit in accordance to exact targets such as disabled learners and unemployed learners.